Light Therapy and Orthopedic Surgery

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At some point in most of our lives, we’re all going to encounter a visit with an orthopedic doctor. As a society, we’re constantly straining our muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons. 

In addition, nutrient deficiencies are incredibly common as more people resort to eating processed and fast food for their meals. With a lack of nutrition, our bones, joints, and muscles do not receive what they need to sustain themselves and remain healthy. 

Conditions such as Osteroporsosis—or bone loss—can create pain, inflammation, and bone breakage. Other nutrition deficiencies can cause low immunity, muscle weakness, and joint issues. 

Of course, nutritional deficiency isn’t the only reason someone can suffer from joint, muscle, tendon, or ligament issues. Aside from doing repetitive movements, athletes are more prone to muscle, tendon, ligament, and joint injuries. 

Whatever the cause may be, there’s one thing they all have in common: people with these types of injuries often need to be seen by an orthopedic surgeon. 

For some people, physical therapy can help; however, more people have to undergo orthopedic surgeries. Today, the most common orthopedic surgeries are ACL reconstruction, knee, hip, and shoulder replacements. If there’s one thing everyone who’s experienced orthopedic surgery can say, it’s that recovery can be extremely challenging and lengthy. 

Sadly, there’s not much one can do when recovering from orthopedic surgery. You simply have to wait until the operated area heals naturally. But, there is one specific treatment that aids the post-recovery period and prevents future joint issues. What is it? It’s red light therapy, of course! 

Red light therapy works by enhancing energy within your body’s cells, which works to repair any damaged cells in the body. By repairing damaged cells in the body, it reduces pain and inflammation, increasing the recovery period. 

Red light therapy has proven to achieve a few things:

  • It stimulates cells to remove toxins
  • Increases oxygen flow to the cells
  • Blocks pain signals in the brain and releases endorphins and enkephalin (a natural pain killer in the body)
  • Jumpstarts the body’s healing process by stimulating the mitochondria in the cells.

That said, red light therapy can be used to treat a wide range of joint, muscle, tendon, ligament, and bone injuries. The reason why it works on a wide scale of injuries is due to the fact it can treat various tissues within the body, reducing inflammation and pain. 

A review by Harvard Medical School and the University of Sydney found that laser therapy can be effective for treating:

  • Post-surgical pain
  • Tendonitis
  • Muscular back pain
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Cervical or lumbar radiculopathy
  • Epicondylitis
  • Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Whiplash injury
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Tendinopathy
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Sprains and strains

Red light therapy is also highly used within the athletic community to speed up the healing process, help players get back on the field, and prevent future injuries. 

Through red light therapy, it prevents muscle soreness, fatigue, and aids in recovery. By having the muscles recover quickly, red light therapy reduces inflammation, allowing the muscle to heal and avert future injuries.

From mild to severe joint, muscle, ligaments, bone, and tendon conditions, red light therapy improves recovery time and aids the healing process. The beauty is that this therapy is entirely possible to undergo from the comfort of your own home.
Lunas red light therapy devices provide high-quality at-home treatments to help you make the most out of your recovery. With red light therapy, not only will you recover from surgery, but you’ll feel even better than before.