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We are proud to be approved by international medical device organizations and quality management systems. Our standards ensure every member in our team is treated ethically and legally.
Number: MD 699687
Issued By: BSI
It represents the requirements for a comprehensive quality management system for the design and manufacture of medical devices.
Number: MDSAP 699689
Issued By: BSI
Single regulatory audit of a medical device manufacturer's quality management system that satisfies the requirements of multiple jurisdictions.
Number: 156-013639-000
Issued By: amfori
BSCI is an industry-driven movement that aims to monitor and assess workplace standards across the global supply chain.
When it comes to muscle and joint stiffness, osteoarthritis, and arthritis, the one thing in common is pain and inflammation.
When suffering from joint and muscular conditions, a person’s range of motion decreases, and swelling and skin redness increase, making everyday tasks a struggle.
Red Light Therapy for PainWouldn’t it be great if we could each reduce a couple of inches off our waist without having to diet or exercise for so long?
Losing weight and fat is one of the most common health goals, both for medical and cosmetic reasons. For years, millions of people have tried different pills, injections, “natural” herbs, and many products that are supposed to help us reduce weight. Unfortunately, these usually don’t work
Red Light Therapy for SculpingOne day, shining light on your face may be the most important part of your skin care routine
Skin care efficacy lives and dies by patient compliance. Most at-home LED skin care devices are small and hand-held, requiring time set aside to treat the entire face. People eventually stop using them.
Red Light Therapy for SkinSleep is big business these days — one in three people are believed to experience sleep deprivation — and everyone is keen to rely on the latest fashionable theory.
It is crucial to understand your animal chronotype. Once you do, you can start to schedule your life around your body’s natural cycles.
Red Light Therapy for SleepPerformance and recovery go hand in hand when training or doing physical activities, regardless if you’re an athlete or not.
In fact, athletes and their trainers utilize light therapy to improve their performance and muscle health and optimize recovery.
Red Light Therapy for RecoverWe’re animals of habit. When it comes to intimacy, it’s a night-time activity
Low libido (sex drive) has been a physical issue for both men and women. In the United States, sexual dysfunction affects 43% of women and 31% of men alone.
Red Light Therapy for LibidoBrain waves are oscillating electrical voltages in the brain, measuring just a few millionths of a volt.
At the root of all our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are the communication between neurons within our brains.
Red Light Therapy for BrainOur team can help you design and develop your idea, from concept to market-ready product. Once developed, Kaiyan can also assist with the mass production and fulfillment of all future purchase orders.
We determine the practicality of your proposed project or system to objectively uncover the strengths and weaknesses of your concept, ensuring its viability and effectiveness.
Through our advanced conceptual design we'll determine how to best engage and inspire your customers.
Our in-house design process generates highly valuable, visually appealing, and meaningful concepts for manufacturing and product planning.
We have vast experience in lasers, LEDs, prototyping, sourcing, and implementing state-of-the-art components from worldwide suppliers.
Rapid prototyping is essential for projects and timelines, but also in visualizing ideas for clients to see, feel, and ultimately test products with their users.
We prototype in-house and have the capacity to handle simple prototypes to complex, multi-piece and working models.
We plan and prioritize production with pre-pilot quantities within the facility. This allows us to identify what is needed for fine-tuning production times while highlighting product quality and performance assurances from start to finish.
We are experts in production, management, development, and delivery.
We can provide comprehensive support in planning, executing, and analyzing clinical studies. Our team of experts will guide you through the entire study process, including protocol development, participant recruitment, data collection, and analysis.
We strive to develop devices that are user-friendly, reliable, and suitable for gathering high-quality data during clinical trials
“Doctors are working on one of several pilot studies nationwide of transcranial infrared light therapy [which is] believed to decrease inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain as well as increase the formation of neurons.”
“Doctor think light therapy could provide a groundbreaking new tool for depression treatment — one that is affordable, without side effects and more immediate than medication.”
“Exposure to a light that isn’t visible to the naked eye may be the next breakthrough treatment for depression. Researchers at MGH and elsewhere, are seeing encouraging results in studies of near-infrared light—the light closest on the spectrum to visible light.”
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In her Instagram, the star shares how she loves to keep her skin healthy by using our products.
Stay tuned for all the latest research and content related to LED light therapy, wellness, manufacturing and clinical studies.
All ArticlesFrom medical to cosmetic devices, we're here to bring your light device concept to life.